Back to School at 61

Welcome to my small NYC (Queens) kitchen. 

I’m a chef.  At 61, after decades of cooking for myself, friends and family, I finally committed to attending culinary school at the only online studies available – Escoffier School of Culinary Arts – so I could keep working while I studied. 

That meant that every single weekend I cut, diced, measured, weighed and documented my cooking for classwork assignments.  I described in detailed writings, taste, color, and texture.  I documented everything.  

My roommate Marsha and I both photographed my work and we both offered comments – especially when the food wasn’t to our personal preference.


Behind me there is a washing machine – and we pile stuff that doesn’t fit the cabinets on top.  When we do the wash, the counter you’re looking at gets piled with those items.

With my arms extended I can just about reach from wall to wall!

With my arms extended I can just about reach from wall to wall!


Outside of the kitchen, in what would normally be a very small dining room, we have our clothes dryer and a lowboy with our microwave and KitchenAid Stand mixer under a pretty fabric cover.  Above it is our pot rack.  To the left of the lowboy … a flight of stairs.

Cozy, right?

While you get to know me I will be sharing some class photos – from learning knife skills to making pasta from scratch to some fun stuff too.  I learned a lot from some incredible instructors and I am so appreciative of friends who showed up to taste, laugh and cheer me on!  You will meet some of them as they all share my journey.

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